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Jogi feltételek

Az Airbnb üzleti utakhoz program feltételei


These terms are subject to the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. These Terms apply to the maximum extent permitted by the Australian Consumer Law.

Last Updated: August 1, 2024

Thank you for using Airbnb for Work!

Your use of the Airbnb for Work Program (the “Work Program”) by your company, entity or other organization, is subject to these Airbnb for Work Terms (“Work Terms”), which supplement the Airbnb Terms of Service (“Terms”), Airbnb Payments Terms of Service (“Payments Terms”), and the Airbnb Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) (collectively, “Airbnb Terms”). By accepting these Work Terms, you are confirming and warranting that you: (i) have provided the exact legal name of your company, entity or other organization (referred to herein as “your organization” or “organization”) in the sign-up flow for the Work Program; and (ii) have the legal authority to act as an agent of, and agree to these Work Terms on behalf of, that organization (in these Work Terms, references to “you” or “your” are to you in your capacity as a representative of your organization, authorized to act on behalf of and contract for your organization).

Our collection and use of personal information in connection with access to and use of the Airbnb Platform or Airbnb for Work is as described in our Privacy Policy (and is not governed by these Work Terms).

Any and all payment processing services through or in connection with your use of the Airbnb Platform are provided by one or more Airbnb Payments entities as set out in the Payments Terms.

Any capitalized terms used in these Work Terms and not defined will have the meanings given to them in the Airbnb Terms.

When these Work Terms mention “Airbnb,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to the Airbnb company your organization is contracting with, or the Airbnb company that is performing under these Work Terms, as set forth in the Terms of Service and Payments Terms.

1. Program Overview

1.1 Airbnb offers the Work Program to help organizations like yours manage work related Accommodations, Experiences and events (each, a “Work Booking”). The Airbnb for Work dashboard (the “Dashboard”) provides your organization with access to details of Work Bookings made by your personnel on the Airbnb Platform – including the personal data of Members who participate in the Work Booking. A Work Booking only appears in the Dashboard if an individual has linked their Airbnb account with your organization by adding an email address affiliated with your organization, and has indicated that a particular booking is for business or work purposes. Members who have added an organization-affiliated email address to their Airbnb account are referred to in these Work Terms as “Professionals.” Your organization may only use Work Booking and other information provided to you as part of the Work Program for the purpose of managing its business travel, accommodations, events, and experiences.

1.2 Your organization may also direct us to share Work Booking details with third parties who provide services to your organization such as travel management companies and duty of care providers. Your organization can view the third-party integrations available through the Work Program, and initiate sharing with those third parties, using the Dashboard. Your organization, and not Airbnb, is responsible for your service providers and will be liable for any claims, losses, expenses, costs or damages arising from, or based on, an act or omission or condition of one of your service providers or vendors - whether incurred by your organization, Airbnb or a third party.

1.3 We use your organization’s email domain(s) to associate Professionals with your instance of the Work Program based on the work email address your Professionals provide to us. If other entities affiliated with your organization (for example under common ownership or control) (“Customer Entities”) share one email domain, Professionals from those affiliated entities will be associated with your organization’s instance of Airbnb for Work. Your organization is responsible for ensuring that all such affiliated entities comply with these Work Terms and will be liable for any claims, losses, expenses, costs or damages arising from, or based on, an act or omission of any of those affiliated entities (including your organization) or their personnel - whether incurred by your organization, Airbnb or a third party. If your organization (or its affiliates) uses more than one email domain, you may associate those additional domains with your organization by adding them using the Dashboard.

1.4 Your organization is also responsible for completing an invoicing profile (“Invoicing Profile”) for each Covered Entity and for assigning each Professional to an Invoicing Profile. Each Professional may only be assigned to one Invoicing Profile.

1.5 In addition, prior to using the Work Program, your organization is responsible for (i) creating, and assigning each Professional, to a team or teams, and (ii) selecting a Payment Method and preferred currency for each team. Your organization is responsible for adding Professionals to the correct team.

2. Program Features

We regularly add features to the Work Program and may also remove or modify features from time to time. We generally explain how to use features in the Work Program where they appear, in Work Program web pages, and in communications about the Work Program. We also regularly update and modify these Work Terms, as well as the Airbnb Terms and other terms and policies that govern your use of the Airbnb Platform. Your organization acknowledges that we may, at our sole and absolute discretion, update, change, modify or discontinue any or all features provided as part of the Work Program.

3. Booking and Permissions

Your organization’s Professionals can authorize other Members to make and manage bookings for them, and other Members can authorize your Professionals to do the same. Members who participate in a booking are responsible and liable for their acts and omissions, and those of their invitees, in relation to the booking, including for complying with rules or requirements specific to the booking – such as house rules, cancellation policies, age requirements and identification requirements. A Member who makes a booking for someone else is also responsible and liable for any action such booking Member takes in relation to the booking – including paying for the booking, communicating with the Host, and ensuring guests are aware of any rules or requirements for the booking. Your organization will also be responsible and liable for any claims, losses, expenses, costs or damages arising out of or based on the acts or omissions of your Professionals in relation to a Work Booking consistent with your organization’s responsibility for its personnel under applicable law.

4. Personnel Management

Your organization is responsible for ensuring that the list of Professionals included in your organization’s instance of Airbnb for Work (who appear in your Dashboard) is accurate, up to date, and included in the relevant Invoicing Profile and team. If a Professional leaves your organization, it is your organization’s responsibility to remove that Professional using the Dashboard. We may also offer an integration with identity management software to facilitate the automated removal of Professionals upon their departure; if such an integration is available, it will appear in the Dashboard.

5. Offers and Promotions

We may make offers and promotions available to organizations and Professionals who participate in the Work Program. Any such offers and promotions are subject to these Work Terms, and, depending on the promotion, we may provide you with additional information about how the promotion works, how to take advantage of the promotion, and the promotion may be subject to additional legal terms.

6. Invoice Billing Option

6.1 In its sole discretion, Airbnb may offer invoicing as a billing option (“Invoice Billing”) to your organization. Invoice Billing shall be subject to the following terms in addition to the Payment Terms and the default terms set out in Section 7.2 below.

6.2 Invoicing Requirements. To qualify for Invoice Billing, your organization must undergo a satisfactory review, by Airbnb, of your organization’s credit references, legal structure, and other supporting documentation supplied by your organization to Airbnb (the “Credit Assessment”). Your organization will provide Airbnb with written notice within 10 business days of any change in its legal structure, state/country of organization, or any of the information provided to Airbnb. If your organization’s Billing information changes, you are responsible for editing the Invoice Profile information including the billing name, billing address, tax identification numbers, and any contact information.

Airbnb reserves the right to deny Invoice Billing based on the outcome of the Credit Assessment at any time. Airbnb also reserves the right to require additional credit support in the form of a guaranty, letter of credit or security deposit.

Your organization will be billed in the invoicing currency selected by your organization per Section 1.5 above. Airbnb will invoice your organization based on the Work Bookings made by your organization’s Professionals (and its affiliates) established in the Dashboard, including any reservations made in different countries or currencies and made by Customer Entities identified by your organization in the Invoicing Profile.

6.3 Restricted Travel. Your organization acknowledges that Invoice Billing may not be available for travel in all countries. Airbnb may, upon 30 days written notice, restrict Invoice Billing in any country that, in Airbnb’s sole discretion, is not supported by invoicing (“Restricted Travel”). Your organization shall modify its travel policy to prohibit its Professionals from using the invoicing option for Restricted Travel and require its Professionals to pay for such Work Booking through another permitted payment method on the Airbnb Platform. If there is any Restricted Travel booked by Professionals of your organization or its affiliates, then your organization authorizes Airbnb to do the following:

     i. for any Work Bookings that Airbnb determines cannot be invoiced under these Work Terms or due to other local restrictions, your organization agrees and authorizes Airbnb to charge your organization’s other payment methods available on the Airbnb Platform; and

     ii. Your organization agrees and authorizes Airbnb or its affiliates to send an invoice from the applicable Airbnb entity and your organization will make payment accordingly or cause the appropriate Customer Entity (identified in the Invoicing Profile) to pay Airbnb.

6.4 General Invoice Payment Terms. Subject to Section 15 of the Payment Terms, your organization will pay the amounts stated in the invoices submitted by Airbnb. Airbnb is submitting the invoices for amounts to be paid to an FBO account of Airbnb Payments as indicated on the invoice. Such payment remittance information is located on the invoice and is subject to change without notice. Invoiced amounts may include, and may be included in one or more invoices, (1) Airbnb’s service fee for the use of the Airbnb Platform, if applicable (2) taxes, and (3) the amounts owed to the Host stated in the invoice which is collected by Airbnb Payments.

6.5. Termination of Airbnb Invoicing Billing Option. Airbnb may terminate Invoice Billing upon the occurrence of any of the following: (i) if there are any unpaid balances of any outstanding invoices that are more than 30 days past due; (ii) at any time, upon a repeated breach by your organization of the Airbnb Terms or these Work Terms; (iii) for any reason, upon 30 days written notice to your organization; or (iv) if your organization fails to pay the invoice amount when due 3 or more times in any 12-month period; .

If the Invoice Billing option is terminated, either by your organization or Airbnb, then the Payment Terms will control. Termination of the Invoice Billing option does not relieve your organization of its obligation to pay for Work Bookings.

These payment obligations, and those under Section 7 below, shall survive termination until all amounts due and owing to Airbnb have been paid. Your organization shall pay for all Work Bookings by your organization’s Professionals who select to use Invoice Billing.

7. Payments

7.1 Unless we agree in writing to the contrary, payments for Work Bookings are governed by the Payments Terms (not these Work Terms).

7.2 If we agree to offer your organization Invoice Billing for Work Bookings, the following default terms will apply in addition to the Payment Terms and the Invoice Billing Option terms set out in Section 6 above: (i) we will invoice you via email using the Invoicing contact email address you provide to us, in the Invoicing Profile, for that purpose; (ii) we will invoice your organization following each Work Booking; (iii) payments are due no later than 30 days following receipt of the invoice; (iv) each payment must be accompanied by a separate payment remittance sent to accountsreceiveable@airbnb.com, and each such remittance must include the invoice number and associated payment amounts, (v) payments must be made by Wire or ACH, (vi) any amounts past due will accrue interest at a rate equal to the lower of 1.5% per month or the maximum rate allowed by applicable law; and (vii) payments may not be reduced or set-off on account of amounts owed by Airbnb or for taxes, imports, duties, withholding or any other charges or amounts imposed by a governmental or fiscal authority or body. Billing cycles may be modified at any time by Airbnb, provided Airbnb provides 30 days’ prior written notice to your organization via email. Your organization is responsible for paying all fees, including any applicable banking fees and/or Wire transfer fees, associated with any payment. At Airbnb’s sole discretion, we may offer your organization alternative payment terms, or waive enforcement of a particular term in a given instance; in either case, such variation or waiver must be confirmed by us in writing on reasonable notice to you.

7.3 If we cannot collect payment from one of your Professionals for a Work Booking or related charges, your organization will be responsible and liable for those unpaid amounts as well as any expenses we incur in collecting those amounts such as reasonable attorney’s fees.

8. Privacy Law and Personal Data

Personal Data” means any information about an identified or identifiable person, including any information deemed “personal information” or “personal data” under the privacy or data security laws or regulations in the European Union (such as European Union Regulation (EU) 2016/679), the United Kingdom, Switzerland, any constituent or subsidiary government of any of the foregoing, and any other applicable jurisdiction (collectively, “Applicable Privacy Law”).

Our collection and use of Personal Data in connection with access to and use of the Airbnb Platform and Work Program is described in our Privacy Policy (and is not governed by these Work Terms).

Where we share with your organization Personal Data or share that data with third parties at the direction of your organization, your organization becomes the controller of, and responsible for, that data. As a controller of that Personal Data, your organization is responsible for complying with, and for ensuring your third-party service providers comply with, obligations under Applicable Privacy Law. Your organization is responsible and liable for any claims, losses, expenses, costs or damages arising from, or based on, a purported or actual failure of your organization to comply with applicable privacy or data security laws. Airbnb remains responsible for using and processing Personal Data under its control in compliance with law.

With respect to Personal Data we provide to your organization through the Work Program, your organization must, and must ensure third parties to whom your organization makes available Personal Data (e.g. travel management companies, duty of care providers and other third-party service providers): (i) only use and disclose Personal Data to lawfully conduct the activities authorized under Section 1.1; (ii); comply with their obligations under Applicable Privacy Law relating to the use, disclosure, storage or other operations with respect to Personal Data; (iii) notify Airbnb if it determines that it cannot provide the level of protection required under this Section; and (iv) implement and maintain adequate and appropriate administrative, technical and physical measures that protect the security, integrity, confidentiality and availability of Personal Data. If your organization notifies Airbnb that it cannot provide the required level of protection, Airbnb has the right to terminate these Work Terms without cost or liability and your organization must cease its use of the Personal Data or take other reasonable and appropriate steps to remediate the situation as directed by Airbnb.

Your organization authorizes Airbnb to disclose your receipt of Personal Data and the purposes for which Airbnb has provided such Personal Data. In the event that there is, or your organisation reasonably believes that there is, any loss of or any unauthorized or unlawful access to, use of, compromise or disclosure of Personal Data by your organization, your affiliates and/or your third party service providers (a “Security Incident”), your organization must immediately notify Airbnb in writing of the Security Incident and fully cooperate with Airbnb to: (i) investigate, resolve and mitigate the effects of the Security Incident; and (ii) comply with any notification obligations to individuals, clients or regulatory authorities in relation to the Security Incident. Your organization agrees that unless it is legally required to do so, it shall not notify any individuals, clients or regulatory authorities about a Security Incident without Airbnb's consent, not to be unreasonably withheld. If Airbnb notifies your organization that any person identified or identifiable in Personal Data has requested to opt out of disclosure or use of such Personal Data, your organization must comply with Airbnb’s instructions regarding the cessation of use, disclosure, storage, deletion or other operations with respect to such Personal Data. Your organization authorizes Airbnb to provide the text of this Section to any applicable governmental entity, including the United States Department of Commerce.

Your organization agrees to provide any assistance reasonably requested by Airbnb for the purpose of Airbnb's compliance with Applicable Privacy Laws. The obligations contained in this Section survive any termination of these Work Terms for so long as your organization has custody, control or possession of Personal Data provided by Airbnb.

9. Feedback on the Work Program

Your organization may participate in surveys and provide feedback on Airbnb for Work and the Airbnb Platform (“Feedback”). Any Feedback provided will be the sole and exclusive property of Airbnb and your organization hereby assigns to Airbnb all right, title and interest in and to any Feedback including without limitation all intellectual property rights therein and, to the extent any such rights may not effectively be assigned, your organization hereby waives any such rights as against Airbnb, its successors and assigns.

10. Mutual Warranties

Your organization and Airbnb each warrants that: (i) it is duly formed, validly existing and in good standing (or local equivalent status) as an entity under the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction of its organization; (ii) it has the full right, power and authority to agree to these Work Terms and to perform its obligations under them; (iii) the acceptance of these Work Terms has been duly authorized by all necessary organizational action; and (iv) once accepted, these Work Terms will constitute a legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligation.

11. Use of Trademarks

11.1 We may use your organization’s name, logo, trademarks, branding elements and other publicly available materials (“Marks”) to identify your organization in the Work Program. For example, we may include your organization’s name and logo in the Dashboard or in email communications to your Professionals. We will not use your organization’s Marks publicly or with any audience other than your Professionals without your consent.

11.2 Your organization may use Airbnb’s Marks for the purpose of promoting Airbnb for Work and the Airbnb Platform to your Professionals; provided our Marks are used only in the forms provided, according to our instructions, and only as set forth in our Trademark Guidelines. In particular, your organization may not display or use our Marks for any external purpose (outside your organization) without our prior written authorization.

12. Term and Termination

12.1 The agreement set forth in these Work Terms will remain in force until terminated by Airbnb or your organization. Your organization may terminate this agreement and its participation in the Work Program by providing us with notice no later than 30 days prior to the desired effective date of termination. Your organization must deliver any termination notice to airbnb-for-work@airbnb.com.

12.2 We may terminate this agreement and your organization’s participation in the Work Program by providing 30 days’ prior email notice to your organization (using any email address provided to us) or by delivering or posting 30 days’ prior written notice through the Work Program.

12.3 Upon any termination of your organization’s participation in the Work Program, your organization agrees to destroy or delete all Airbnb confidential information and Airbnb Marks associated with the Work Program, if any, your organization has in its possession or under its control.

13. Assignment

Your organization may not assign or transfer these Work Terms, whether by operation of law, change of control, merger, asset sale or otherwise, without Airbnb's prior written consent. Any attempt by your organization to assign or transfer these Work Terms without such consent, will be null, void and of no effect. Airbnb may assign or transfer these Work Terms, at its sole discretion, without restriction, with 30 days’ prior notice. Subject to the foregoing, these Work Terms will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.

14. No Third Party Beneficiaries

These Work Terms do not and are not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than Airbnb and your organization.

15. Notices 

Any notices or other communications permitted or required hereunder will be in writing. Notices and communications (i) from Airbnb may be delivered via email (to any address that your organization provides) or by posting a notice through the Work Program; and (ii) from your organization may be delivered via email to airbnb-for-work@airbnb.com. This Section will survive any termination of these Work Terms.

16. Entire Agreement

These Work Terms (along with any writings signed by your organization and Airbnb that expressly refer to these Work Terms) constitute the entire and exclusive understanding and agreement between Airbnb and your organization regarding the Work Program, and these Work Terms supersede and replace any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements pertaining to the Work Program. In the event of a conflict between these Work Terms and the Terms of Service, Payments Terms of Service, or Privacy Policy, the Terms of Service, Payments Terms of Service and/or Privacy Policy will control. This Section does not exclude a party’s liability for prior false, misleading or deceptive statements or misrepresentations, where oral or written. This Section will survive any termination of these Work Terms.

17. General

Your organization warrants that it will comply with all applicable laws, statutes, statutory instruments, regulations, by-laws, rules, ordinances, guidance and codes relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, including (but not limited to) the U.K. Bribery Act 2010 and the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (as amended), and shall provide Airbnb immediate written notice if it, or any Customer Entity, no longer complies with the provisions of this Section. The failure of Airbnb or your organization to enforce any right or provision of these Work Terms will not constitute a waiver of future enforcement of that right or provision. The waiver of any such right or provision will be effective only if in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Airbnb or your organization. Except as expressly set forth in these Work Terms, the exercise by either party of any of its remedies under these Work Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Work Terms or otherwise. If for any reason an arbitrator or a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of these Work Terms invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the other provisions of these Work Terms will remain in full force and effect. Nothing in these Works Terms creates or implies an agency relationship, joint venture, or partnership between Airbnb and your organization. This Section will survive any termination of these Work Terms.

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